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Your Hometown Service Provider




***Online Billing***





***Application for Telephone Service*** 
Requires Microsoft Word


Avoid Toll Charges

Make sure you have the correct numbers set up on your computer.

Lipan 646-3850
Bluff Dale 728-3850


24 Hour Technical Support
Dial-up and DSL


Roaming Access Information
Lipan Service Agreement



Texas Public Utilites Commission


Outside Providers

Name Docket Number Approved Date
New Cingular Wireless 31255 07/06/05
Dobson Celular Systems Inc 31313 07/18/05
Nextel of Texas 27905 06/11/03
Sprint Spectrum, L.P. 30982 04/20/05
T-Mobile USA, Inc. 28339 08/19/03
Version Wireless 26496 08/21/03


This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.